5 former Detroit Lions who should be on your radar in 2023 fantasy football drafts

As you get ready for any remaining fantasy football drafts, these former Detroit Lions should be on the radar.
ByBrad Berreman|
Matt Krohn-USA TODAY Sports
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As a fan of a team, it's nice to considering having players from said team on your fantasy football team. Fantasy is supposed to be fun, and having an extra layer of rooting interest is fun (or aggravating, depending on how it's going in a given week).

The Detroit Lions are set to be a gold mine for fantasy owners again this year, with a solid chunk of players who are worthy of a draft investment within the right value context.

But on the flip side, for some Lions' fans it may be sacrilegious to draft former Lions' players. But that's also a potential league-losing hill to stand on, and you have to be able to separate team fandom from being a savvy fantasy drafter. Ignoring a player who used to play for your favorite team, sheerly on the principal of he used to play for your favorite team and thus you "don't like him anymore", is foolish (and probably unlikely, if we get down to it).

These guys may no longer wear Honolulu Blue, but they can definitely help your fantasy football teams in 2023. In the drafts you have left, here are five former Lions to make sure you don't forget about.

5 former Detroit Lions to keep on your radar in remaining 2023 fantasy football drafts
