The Minnesota Vikings are the NFC North team most overlooked so far this season. They are..."/> The Minnesota Vikings are the NFC North team most overlooked so far this season. They are..."/>

Talking Detroit Lions and Minnesota Vikings with The Viking Age


The Minnesota Vikings are the NFC North team most overlooked so far this season. They are the only team in the division without a win on the year but that doesn’t mean the Lions can take them lightly. Despite a yearly trip to Minneapolis, it hasn’t been since 1997 that the Lions flew home with a win.

I had an opportunity to ask Clint Starks, editor of The Viking Age, a few questions to help familiarize Lions fans with the Vikings and get a feel for how the fans in purple are thinking.

Zac Snyder: Are Vikings fans starting to call for Christian Ponder to play or does Donovan McNabb have their full support?

Clint Starks: I think there are some portions of the fan base that are calling for Ponder. There is a portion that think if you pay McNabb 5 million then he should be your QB. I stated that Ponder is not unlike an intern. You learn, you watch, you observe. I like that role for Ponder. He will get his day in the sun but not yet.

ZS: What will be the keys for the Vikings to get their first of the season this Sunday?

CS: Pressure with the front 4. By and large Stafford has not been touched this season. We have got to be able to get at ole’ #9 with Jared Allen, and the Freak Kevin Williams. If we have to bring more guys then I think Stafford is smart enough and talented enough to put the big hurt on the Purple.

ZS: Can the Vikings still compete or has their window closed?

CS: I think anytime you have the talent we do then the window is at least letting in a draft. The opportunity is there for the Purple but there are so many question marks. I am not ready to jump ship just yet on this season because it’s early. However, if they do struggle the entire year, I do not think it will be long before this team challenges for the North.

ZS: What is the general consensus about being back in the Metrodome?

CS: The stadium deal will get done. But I will tell you that the fans are getting restless and they want to see progress being made. The political red tape and antics are holding things up a bit and it’s a shame. If we close in on a stadium deal soon then the soonest we would play in the new digs would be 2015. With that in mind, we are “domers” until then.

ZS: How do you see the game against the Lions going and what is your predicted final score?

CS: I predict the Vikings will jump out to a 17-7 lead at halftime. The Vikings will forget to compete and execute in the 2nd half and give up 20 points to the Lions but kick in 10 of their own. This game goes to sudden death and Longwell bangs one in from 47 to give the Vikes their first W of the year. 30-27 Vikes in OT.

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