Detroit Lions Draft Notes

The NFL Draft in Chicago, photo by Jeff Risdon
The NFL Draft in Chicago, photo by Jeff Risdon
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The NFL Draft in Chicago, photo by Jeff Risdon
The NFL Draft in Chicago, photo by Jeff Risdon

I’ve been pounding sources near and far to try and get some solid information on what exactly the Detroit Lions are going to do in the upcoming NFL Draft, which takes place April 28-30 in Chicago.

From colleagues who have been at pro days with Lions staffers, to some players who have told me about their experiences interviewing and working out with the team, to sources at some colleges and training facilities who know who and what the Lions are looking at when they come calling, there is a lot of info to digest.

Here’s the thing: nobody has much certainty on anything. New GM Bob Quinn has clamped down hard on any potential leaks, and the people under him have definitely received that message.

Still, I feel like cobbling all this disparate pieces together, I can make a few pretty strong educated guesses about what the Lions are thinking heading into the final four weeks.

Next: No WR in First Round
