Mighty Fullback Michael Burton New Detroit Lions’ Mystery Man


When the Detroit Lions selected fullback Michael Burton in the fifth round on Sunday, there was likely confusion in plenty of minds.

The Lions don’t often feature a fullback in their offense and since the retirement of Corey Schlesinger, haven’t made the position more than a passing priority. Few have come and most leave often to success elsewhere, much like Jerome Felton has.

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Last season Jed Collins changed that, but he departed for the Dallas Cowboys leaving the position open.

For all those who like fullbacks and the intangibles they bring to the gridiron—toughness, hard-work, hard-hitting and a lunchpail mentality— Burton was probably the best choice the team could have made.

After all, Burton’s the guy who’s been labeled a “typical Jersey meathead” in what has been described as an unfortunate mistake of a draft profile and a “thug,” (albeit in a good way) by NFL Network’s Mike Mayock. He’s also been a team captain, a team award winner, an academic all-star and a walk-on who earned every bit of success he had at Rutgers, including anchoring a ground attack which proved to be the best since Ray Rice ran wild at High Point Solutions Stadium.

From that standpoint, the Lions are getting a high-character guy who fights to earn recognition and carves out his role. What will that role be in the NFL? That’s Burton’s mystery. Certainly, his key to roster inclusion can be expected to begin on special teams, even if his role within the offense isn’t as clearly defined.

The Lions are getting a high-character guy who fights to earn recognition and carves out his role. What will that role be in the NFL? That’s Burton’s mystery.

Burton is a sledgehammer who can pave the way for a running game, but rarely runs the ball himself. He can catch the football, however, as his 47 career receptions clearly show. Though smaller in physical stature, the intangibles make him look like James Develin of the New England Patriots, another success story at the position.

But will Detroit depend on Burton to be their starting fullback, or will he have to earn his keep on special teams to get a role in the offense? There are few answers to those questions, which help to make the pick a confusing one in the minds of many who would have preferred the Lions select another defensive tackle.

Nobody knows quite what to expect from Burton except hard work and dedication. Will that lead to his eventual success?

It’s all a part of the ever-growing mystery of Michael Burton.

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