Don’t Believe the Hype: The S.O.L. Fan
Equally inflexible in their opinion are the S.O.L Lions’ fans. This type of fan loves to hate the team. The S.O.L. stands for, “Same Old Lions.”
We’ve all had our moments being this fan. It is inevitable that you will feel that the universe does not want, nay, will not allow the Lions to win a ring. It won’t even let us win a playoff game, for that matter! Then, you will embrace the mantra, “Same Old Lions.”
Like almost any Detroit team, the negative element is often focused on one person more so than anyone else as the reason why we can’t win. Our quarterback is almost always the first target. Stafford takes more hits off the field than on, undoubtedly, which is saying something. Disapproving fans will quote his record against good competition.
For example. To this Detroit fan, any bump in the road is due to the doomed status of the team. A rookie twists his ankle and is out for a few weeks, “Same Old Lions.” All negative thoughts are seen through this lens.
The list of responsible parties often includes: William Clay Ford, Martha Firestone Ford, Mike Williams, Joey Harrington, Bobby Lane, or some other ghost of disappointment’s past. The Lions are doomed and cannot do anything right ever again. According to the “Same Old Lions” fan, anyway.
Why You Can sympathize
You know why this opinion exists: One too many times watching some Green Bay Packers receiver walk into the end-zone ending the hopes of a division title. One too many blown calls that went the other way.
The Ford ownership has not been fraught with great tidings to Lions fans. Many Detroit Lions fans cannot remember the last playoff win, and only Baby Boomer’s or older remember the last championship.
In fact, you could easily make the case that the Ford’s are the least successful owners ever in professional sports. Some of those people listed do deserve blame! No titles since 1957. No playoff wins since 1992. Not even a Super Bowl appearance. Same. Old. Lions. We get it. It hurts to be disappointed year after year.